Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Same Old Story? Pt. 2

New Years just happened and we all know what that means… “resolutions”. Now I have never been one to make a resolution, I decided a long time ago that it was silly and I would not take part in that. That came mostly out of two factors: 1. I saw everyone doing something and then failing 2. Everyone made these resolutions and I didn’t want to be like everyone else. Awesome reasoning for me not to take part, I know. However this year I cracked, actually I cracked on Jan. 2 when I came up with resolution(s) that I set for myself for this upcoming year. Why, I don’t have a good answer for to be honest but I thought they were good resolutions; no pizza and no fast food for an entire year. Lofty, possibly, attainable, definitely.

Now before Jan. 1 at 12am I was still in the mindset that these resolutions were foolish and that everyone makes these goals then falls short only making things worse on themselves. As I thought about this in days before the New Year I wondered what goal could I set that would be something I would most certainly fall short of but I could still feel good about? Improvements anywhere I thought would make this happen but then it finally hit me, my non-new years resolution resolution.

Jeremiah 29:11 is a popular verse, it’s on that I wore on a necklace for some time before it broke, its on coffee mugs, bumper stickers, and many other places I’m not mentioning. After getting that necklace I continued to read in Jeremiah and the next few verses were intriguing (go read them). In 29:13 it reads “you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart” (NIV) or “if you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me” (NLT). In reading this verse I thought my resolution was set “seek God wholeheartedly in everything I do”. Perfect right?

I had also recently heard a verse for the first time that was in Romans (4:5) that says “but people are counted as righteous, not because of their work, but because of their faith in God who forgives sinners”. I restructured because most certainly I will fall short and experience failure: “I will seek God wholeheartedly in everything I do because I want to be found righteous in His eyes.” Now I’m set?

Wrong again, I then went back to what made me read Jeremiah 29:13 in the first place, v11! Read it. Dang! I had left God out of my “resolution”, I had acted as so many do, thinking that they alone can make a change. I was acting as a one-man team without a Coach, giving myself direction and seeking no assistance. So once again I restructured: “Because He has set a plan for my life that is meant for my good I will seek Him wholeheartedly in everything I do so that I may be found righteous in His eyes.”

Honestly, this process could go on and on I’m sure, but that’s where I stopped. That is where I want to set my focus each day I get up and every time I enter into a situation/setting. So many times I leave Him out and think I can do things on my own and it leaves me empty and looking for more or the next. I hope that instead you and I can both be reminded of the promises that He has given us and from that we will not forget what is happening right now around us. Seeking and drawing near to Him every chance we get because He has great things for us.

As always, love the feedback. I’d even love to hear the New Years resolutions you all made this year. As I said earlier I made one so if you’re interested, don’t be shy!

Much love

Friday, January 6, 2012

Same Old Story? Pt. 1

You know the saying, same thing different day? Well up until recently I thought it was clever and held relevance, however over the past week or so I have thought differently. There is no similarities actually, in fact, yesterday will never happen again, today will never happen again. More so, we are now in the year 2012, so last year wont happen again. This has caused me to take some time to reflect a bit and will be the topic(s) of my next blogging activity.

Christmas Eve service at my home church in Albuquerque we knew we would be hearing the story of Jesus birth, that’s a given. However this year it was presented in a very peculiar way, a video that was very well done (no idea who made it) and biblically accurate (good since we were at church). The sermon that followed this 10 minute video however wasn’t as much about the Christmas story as it was about what comes next, what comes now.

The questions are always raised; If God sent Jesus to save then why is the world such a mess?! If Jesus came to save us and set us free then why is there so much pain, war, hurt, despair, divorce, fighting, etc.? WHY?! You can use whatever adjective you’d like, we’ve heard them all and we’ve thought many of them at one time or another. The answer is simple: we were not made for this world; there is still a prophecy to be fulfilled with the return of Jesus, to take us home.

I then though, instead of me asking the “why questions” I need to refocus. God sent His Son to die for me, to take my place and then to prepare a place for me that I will live for eternity. Is that not enough? Well obviously that is enough, however then I am living a blessed life more than I deserve! I don’t want to brag but 2011 was good to me, some notable events included the following: Davis graduated high school and accepted college scholarships to do what he loves, Stephen endured hardships with unbelievable faith, pregnant cousins have experienced healthy pregnancies (thus far), friends who graduated got jobs right away, Kyle returned health from elbow surgery, Nonna had successful surgery and was released from rehab a month early, and an aunt gave her life to Jesus Christ. Again that is not to brag but that is just a few of the incredible things that blessed my life this past year, isn’t that enough?

It is. It’s more than enough.

However we are promised more, we are promised that He will return again to take us home, to our eternal home. So my encouragement, and what I want to pass along, is this: keep your eyes focused on the blessing we have been given, thank God for the blessings that happen along the way, and remember that our home is in the sky with Him. Can’t wait for that day, when God brings us home to spend forever with Him.

Always excited to hear your feedback, love ya’ll.

Much Love